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You don't have to be landscaping on a slope to get some good ideas from this design. Besides addressing a sloped lot, this design is also created for a circular driveway with a xeriscape planting theme. And even then, some of the ideas here could work in a lot of different landscape design styles.
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While this design doesn't actually show the drop in grade, you will be able to see it in the pictures and video below. The home is on a lot that is sloping from the house to the street as well as from right to left. However, since it's not a very steep grade, it's really quite simple how we addressed it.
On a side note here, the backyard to this home is on an extremely steep grade. You may want to take a look at that design as well - Steep Slope Backyard Design. It's designed along the same lines as the front but needed different engineering to fix the steep grade. I think it turned out just a touch classier as well.
For details and explainations of this design, take a look at all the pictures of this circular driveway on a hillside. I've also created some more detailed information that you may find helpful