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Rose Garden Ideas - Most rose gardens rarely capture the true potential that these plants have in the overall landscape plan. Generally, little thought is given to accents, companion plantings, and simple color combinations. Placement is usually random and thoughtlessly mixed.
For good rose garden ideas, the true potential of roses doesn't just lie within the plants themselves. It lies within the surroundings, elements, and simplicity as well. Balance created through mass planting, single colors, and garden shapes is most common. Pay close attention to the pictures in this category and you'll see what I mean.
I won't necessarily isolate this category to just Roses and Rose gardens. We would miss a lot since these wonderful plants and bushes fit into almost every garden application.
Along with the pictures here, you'll also find a lot of vital information on growing, selecting, and caring for Roses.
Don't forget to take in my own design ideas gallery for more photos and design tips.